The Brooklands Military Vehicle Day 2017 proved to be another successful day, military vehicle owners braving the cold driving to Brooklands. There was a good selection of military vehicles on display as well as living history groups.
When asked which was our favourite Jeep of the day, this is a difficult one to answer as there were some very nice Jeeps on display. But if we had to say which would we pick, the two Jeeps kitted out in U.S. Navy colours would be the one’s together they looked the part. We had a chat to the owners who told us about the vehicles, they are also regulars in Normandy each year for the D Day celebrations.
This 1957 Hotchkiss Jeep appeared in the film ‘Fury’ and was purchased from the film company by the present owner. Carrying out some research on the vehicle it was found that it had been supplied to the French Foreign Legion in 1957. The Jeep has been restored to represent the 2nd Regiment, 4th Company, French Foreign Legion.
In the paddock motorcycles from WW2 were on display, an Ariel and Triumph representing the British and once again a very good turn out of WW2 German outfits. There were some post war military motorcycles as well, two BSA B40’s and a very nice Triumph Tiger Cub.
All sorts of military vehicles attended the Brooklands Military Vehicle Day 2017 including a very rare vehicle built by Glover Web on a crane chassis, it however did not prove successful and never went into production.
The finishing straight has now been restored with the removal of the aircraft hanger which was built during WW2. The old Brooklands motor course is a fascinating place to visit, the team who look after the site do a great job and are always are friendly and helpful. It is full of Motor racing, aircraft and military history and the new aircraft hanger displays are spectacular.