D Day Normandy 2017 Events and Ceremonies

D Day Normandy 2017 Events and Ceremonies

Normandy 2017

1st June  –  Thursday

Douvres Radar station Guided tours in English of the Radar Station, from 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm

Sainte-Mère-Église – Ceremony at the Alexandre Renaud Monument 4.00pm followed by a memorial service in the church at 4.30pm

Utah Beach – Ceremony at 2.00pm with veterans, children from local schools


2nd June  –  Friday 

Douvres Radar station Guided tours in English of the Radar Station, from 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm

Carentan – “Camp Arizona” a reconstruction of a WW2 US camp with military Vehicles and displays from 9.00am

Carentan –  Parachute Drop, with re-enactors in original American uniforms. Between Carentan and Saint-Come-du-Mont – 2.00pm to 3.00pm

Colleville-sur-Mer – Battle of Normandy Model Fair at the Overlord Museum 9.00am to 7.00pm, models and dioramas.

Sainte-Mère-Église – “Camp Geronimo” a reconstruction of a US paratrooper camp with WW2 tanks, armoured cars, Jeeps, weapons carriers, trucks. Displays of Weapons and military equipment from 9.00am until midnight.


3rd June  –  Saturday

Douvres   11.30 am to 1.30 pm  Military Vehicles in the Basilica square

Douvres Radar station Guided tours in English of the Radar Station, from 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm

Carentan – “Camp Arizona” a reconstruction of a WW2 US camp with military Vehicles and displays from 9.00am

Carentan – Landing craft LCVP “PA30-4” moored at the marina

Carentan – WW2 Military vehicles convoy through the town at 4.15pm

Sainte-Mère-Église – “Camp Geronimo” a reconstruction of a US paratrooper camp with WW2 tanks, armoured cars, Jeeps, weapons carriers, trucks. Displays of Weapons and military equipment from 9.00am until midnight.

Colleville-sur-Mer – Battle of Normandy Model Fair at the Overlord Museum 9.00am to 7.00pm, models and dioramas.

Grandcamp-Maisy – Exhibition and parade of military vehicles (1200 – 1600hrs). The conservation groups from MVCG France show off about a hundred of the finest pieces in their collection with an exhibition in Grandcamp-Maisy and then a parade through Isigny-sur-Mer. 


4th June  –  Sunday

Juno Beach centre – Courseulles-Sur-Mur From 10 am – Display of Canadian WW2 military vehicles.  Tel. 02 31 373217

Colleville-Montgomery – Hillman Bunker – Recreation of a military camp. Visit the German bunkers of the Command post at Hillman Bunker

Colleville-Montgomery – Montgomery’s statue – Veterans parade and Remembrance service at 10.30

Ver-Ser-Mer –  Green Howards Remembrance service at mid day

Douvres Radar station – Guided tours in English of the Radar Station, from 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm

Pegasus Bridge – Two MTB,s (Motor Torpedo Boats) that saw action on D Day will be docked near Pegasus Bridge

Tilly-Sur-Seulles – 9.30 am to 6.00 pm  Over 40 publishers, authors, booksellers, historians and veterans are gathered at the Battle Museum remembering the D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy.

D-Day Arromanches Triathlon – (swimming, mountain bikes and running). 9.30 p.m. – 11.30 p.m. concert by the trio “Girly Swing”.  11.45 p.m. fireworks.

Ouistreham – near the beach, 1940s exhibition of vintage cars, Swing music, followed by fireworks at 11.30 p.m

Carentan – “Camp Arizona” a reconstruction of a WW2 US camp with military Vehicles and displays from 9.00am

Carentan – Landing craft LCVP “PA30-4” moored at the marina

Carentan – WW2 Military vehicles convoy through the town from Camp Arizona at 10.00am finishing the town at mid day

Sainte-Mère-Église – “Camp Geronimo” a reconstruction of a US paratrooper camp with WW2 tanks, armoured cars, Jeeps, weapons carriers, trucks. Displays of Weapons and military equipment from 9.00am until midnight.

Colleville-sur-Mer – Battle of Normandy Model Fair at the Overlord Museum 9.00am to 7.00pm, models and dioramas.

Grandcamp-Maisy – 10th Annual Military fair from 8.00am until 5.00pm


5th June  –  Monday

Veterans at Pegasus Bridge Museum – Over 90 WW2 veterans are expected at the Museum from 10.00 am. Brought to Normandy by the London Taxi Charity.

Pegasus Bridge – Two MTB,s (Motor Torpedo Boats) that saw action on D Day will be docked near Pegasus Bridge

Pegasus Bridge Museum – Memorial service at 11.00am. Museum free to enter.

Hillman Bunker – Colleville-Montgomery – Recreation of a military camp with WW2 military vehicles. Visit the German bunkers of the Command post at Hillman Bunker

Creully – The first BBC studio in France (6th June 1944) Ham Radio Festival at the Radio Museum from 10.00am to midday  and 2.30pm to 6.00pm  

Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer – Military camp WW2 vehicles, Jeeps, motorcycles etc. In the field by the Church.

Amfreville – Ceremony at the 507th PIR Monument (1145hrs) / Organised by the Town Hall in partnership with US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude – Parachute Drop (1215hrs), next to the 507th PIR Monument / Organised by: Liberty Jump Team 

Carentan – “Camp Arizona” a reconstruction of a WW2 US camp with military Vehicles and displays from 9.00am

Sainte-Mère-Église – “Camp Geronimo” a reconstruction of a US paratrooper camp with WW2 tanks, armoured cars, Jeeps, weapons carriers, trucks. Displays of Weapons and military equipment from 9.00am until midnight.

Saint-Germain-de-Varreville – Parachute drop from C-47. “Operation Reed Pelfrey Pathfinder Memorial” next to the German battery (1700hrs) 

Colleville-sur-Mer – Battle of Normandy Model Fair at the Overlord Museum 9.00am to 7.00pm, models and dioramas.


6th June  –  Tuesday

Arromanches – WW2 aircraft airshow with an aerobatics display, followed by parachute drops. Veteran march at 4.00pm followed by the ceremony in the car park above the beach.   between 2.00pm and 7.00pm.

Arromanches – Gathering of WW2 vehicles on the beach, details TBA.

Bayeux Cathedral –  Royal British Legion service at 10.00am

Bayeux Military Cemetery – Royal British Legion service at 12.00 midday

Creully – 4th-7th Dragoon Guards Memorial service at 11.00am

Pegasus Bridge – Two MTB,s (Motor Torpedo Boats) that saw action on D Day will be docked near Pegasus Bridge

Asnelles to Port-en-Bessin walk – 47 Royal Marine Commando landed on Gold Beach, near Asnelles, and set off to liberate Port-en-Bessin. Follow in their footsteps for a 12 mile walk. Commentaries in both French and English. Start from Asnelles, main car park by the bunker. Information from  ken.cowdery@tiscali.co.uk.

Douvres Radar station – Guided tours in English of the Radar Station, from 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm

Creully – The first BBC studio in France (6th June 1944) Ham Radio Festival at the Radio Museum from 10.00am to midday  and 2.30pm to 6.00pm  

Courseulles-sur-Mer – D-Day commemorative ceremony at the Juno Beach Centre

Hillman Bunker – Colleville-Montgomery – Recreation of a military camp with WW2 military vehicles. Visit the German bunkers of the Command post at Hillman Bunker

Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer – Military camp WW2 vehicles, Jeeps, motorcycles etc. In the field by the Church.

Pegasus Bridge – Two MTB,s (Motor Torpedo Boats) that saw action on D Day will be docked near Pegasus Bridge

Bayeux – Commemoration Service (1000hrs) at Bayeux Cathedral. Expected duration 45 minutes, followed by a parade to the cemetery.  Remembrance Service (1200hrs) at the Bayeux Commonwealth War Graves Commission Cemetery.

Colleville-sur-Mer – Battle of Normandy Model Fair at the Overlord Museum 9.00am to 7.00pm, models and dioramas.

Utah Beach – re-enactment of a beach landing with American landing craft LCVP “PA30-4”, in front of monument U.S Navy at 8.30am


 7th June  –  Wednesday

Merville – Up to 120 British Veterans arriving by London Taxi Charity for a Ceremony  (3 Commando) at 11.00am followed a flypast, parachute jumps and display by the Red Devils. 

Douvres Radar station – Guided tours in English of the Radar Station, from 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm

Creully – The first BBC studio in France (6th June 1944) Ham Radio Festival at the Radio Museum from 10.00am to midday  and 2.30pm to 6.00pm

Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer – Military camp WW2 vehicles, Jeeps, motorcycles etc. In the field by the Church. 

Pegasus Bridge  Two MTB,s (Motor Torpedo Boats) that saw action on D Day will be docked near Pegasus Bridge

Hillman Bunker – Colleville-Montgomery – Recreation of a military camp with WW2 military vehicles. Visit the German bunkers of the Command post at Hillman Bunker


Please be aware that events may be delayed or cancelled due to conditions and other factors